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Climate Change

After decades of Arctic sea ice getting faster and more hazardous for transport, models suggest a dramatic reversal is coming, York U study finds

After decades of Arctic sea ice getting faster and more hazardous for transport, models suggest a dramatic reversal is coming, York U study finds

Will ice floating in the Arctic Ocean move faster or slower over the coming decades? The answer to this question will tell us whether marine transportation can be expected to get more or less hazardous. It might also have important implications for the rate of ice cover loss, which is hugely consequential for Northern Indigenous communities, ecosystems, and the global climate system.

Are freeloading premiers undermining Canada’s climate strategy?

Are freeloading premiers undermining Canada’s climate strategy?

It has been a bad few weeks for the federal government’s plans for climate action. A little more than five years ago, there was a strong federal-provincial consensus around climate action. That consensus included a national carbon pricing system, with the federal government providing a back-stop system where provinces didn’t price carbon themselves. Canada is now confronted […]

Canada must stop treating climate disasters like unexpected humanitarian crises

Canada must stop treating climate disasters like unexpected humanitarian crises

Two years after devastating wildfires razed 90 per cent of Lytton, B.C., reconstruction is slow and residents remain displaced and angry about it. This summer, 65 per cent of the Northwest Territories’ 46,000 residents evacuated, including almost the entire population of Yellowknife, due to a wildfire. The year 2023, in fact, marked Canada’s worst-ever wildfire season, with nearly 19 million hectares […]

York University leads water sustainability event at United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to discuss water crisis brought on by extreme climate events

York University leads water sustainability event at United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to discuss water crisis brought on by extreme climate events

Extreme weather events linked to climate change are affecting water quality, quantity and sustainability for some of the world’s most vulnerable, but the United Nations and York University along with its partners are working toward solutions.

Canadian financial institutions are fuelling the climate change crisis

Canadian financial institutions are fuelling the climate change crisis

Once again, Canada will almost certainly fail to meet its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45 per cent by 2030 in accordance with the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations. This is despite the government’s optimistic spin on the release of its latest emissions inventory report. Jerry DeMarco, the environment commissioner in the Auditor General’s office, has […]