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Department of Psychology

Mattering must be central in youth suicide prevention: York expert

Mattering must be central in youth suicide prevention: York expert

Youth suicide is a growing concern in Canada, the U.S., and around the world, with some research suggesting this might be linked with excessive social media use in vulnerable teens. With Mental Health Awareness Month closing out this week, York University Psychology Professor Gordon Flett says he was motivated by a growing sense of alarm and frustration when undertaking a review of studies on mattering and youth suicide for his latest research.

Social-media break has huge impact on young women’s body image: York U study

Social-media break has huge impact on young women’s body image: York U study

There’s a large and growing body of evidence pointing to potentially negative impacts of social media on mental health, from its addictive nature to disruptions in sleep patterns to effects on body image. Now, a new study coming out of York University’s Faculty of Health found young women who took a social media break for as little as one week had a significant boost in self-esteem and body image – particularly those most vulnerable to thin-ideal internalization.

Study: Brains of children with epilepsy able to re-map after surgery to retain visual perception

Study: Brains of children with epilepsy able to re-map after surgery to retain visual perception

Study co-led by York University researcher makes important discovery about plasticity of children’s brains TORONTO, JUNE 5, 2019 – For children with severe epilepsy, surgery is the last resort used to prevent seizures but the treatment can often come with the risk of both visual and cognitive impairments. Now, a new study funded by the National […]