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Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change

Wild pollinators and plants evolved to rely on each other could face uncertain future

Wild pollinators and plants evolved to rely on each other could face uncertain future

The loss of even one wild bee species can disrupt the reproductive success of certain plants resulting in fewer vegetables, fruits and flowers, say York University researchers who studied how pollinators and plants rely on each other, specifically in Indigenous gardens in the Great Lakes Region.

Ontario’s Greenbelt is safe for now, but will the scandal alter Doug Ford’s course?

Ontario’s Greenbelt is safe for now, but will the scandal alter Doug Ford’s course?

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s extraordinary reversal on his decision to open the Greater Toronto Area’s Greenbelt for housing development flows from two colossal political miscalculations. The first was failing to recognize the Greenbelt, established by the previous Liberal government in 2005, had acquired an iconic status in the minds of residents of the region. The Greenbelt was based on earlier Niagara […]

Why is Doug Ford doubling down amid Ontario’s Greenbelt scandal?

Why is Doug Ford doubling down amid Ontario’s Greenbelt scandal?

The past few weeks have witnessed an extraordinary series of events in Ontario politics. Reports tabled by the province’s auditor general and its integrity commissioner on the government’s November 2022 decision to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greater Toronto Area’s Greenbelt have set off a political firestorm. The controversy has resulted in the resignation of Housing Minister Steve […]

Canadian financial institutions are fuelling the climate change crisis

Canadian financial institutions are fuelling the climate change crisis

Once again, Canada will almost certainly fail to meet its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 45 per cent by 2030 in accordance with the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations. This is despite the government’s optimistic spin on the release of its latest emissions inventory report. Jerry DeMarco, the environment commissioner in the Auditor General’s office, has […]