York U grad exemplifies determination and focus as the key to success
From street dwelling to living in youth shelters as a teen, Ahmat Nokour Mahamat has overcome many challenges to achieve his post-secondary education dream
From street dwelling to living in youth shelters as a teen, Ahmat Nokour Mahamat has overcome many challenges to achieve his post-secondary education dream
Three New Frontiers in Research Fund-International grants, with additional $3.2 million from partner countries, to support climate change adaptation and mitigation research in Global South, Scandinavia and Canadian Arctic
The Canadian government placed a cap on the number of study permits granted to international students earlier this year. The government stated that a rapid increase in the number of international students was putting added “pressure on housing, health care and other services.”
York University is full of beans – fair trade coffee beans – excited about its new fair trade silver designation and its ability to offer sustainably produced coffee, chocolate, tea and more across its three campuses.
Droughts, historic flooding, the possibility to beat last year’s worst wildfire season on record, stronger hurricanes and shifting tornado corridors, and that’s just in Canada. It may be Emergency Preparedness Week but managing the escalating disasters plaguing the world is a year-round effort, say York University’s DEM experts.
If you have been following recent coverage about gender-affirming health care, detransition will not be an unfamiliar topic. From mainstream journalists to transgender authors, many have taken an interest in people who underwent a medical gender transition and chose to return to their former identity.
How someone feels about their personal appearance or attractiveness can significantly affect their level of life satisfaction, according to a new study out of York University which looked at a broad range of factors and their contribution to happiness.
Equity studies Professor Yvonne Su says that research shows social divisions and inequalities return, often stronger, after the immediate danger of a disaster passes, weighing in on how the efforts to provide community support have shifted since after the first COVID lockdown.
Retired Professor Wenona Giles who broke borders to bring higher education to refugees in Dadaab, Kenya, one of the world’s largest refugee camps, is recognized with Order of Canada
Education, particularly math education, is not a neutral space for Black students. It continues to be a space where there are fewer expectations of success. That was one of the messages that emerged during the Black History Month panel on education, Black Educators and Black Education, at the Harriet Tubman Institute at York University.