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Facuty of Science

Breakthrough wildlife tracking technology that adheres to fur delivers promising results from trials on wild polar bears

Breakthrough wildlife tracking technology that adheres to fur delivers promising results from trials on wild polar bears

Studying polar bears just became a lot easier with new “burr on fur” trackers which confirmed scientists’ belief that subadult and adult males spend most of their time on land lazing around, conserving energy until the ice returns.

York U study: European ancestry plays role in ‘killer’ honey bees’ aggressiveness

York U study: European ancestry plays role in ‘killer’ honey bees’ aggressiveness

TORONTO, July 7, 2020 – What causes African hybrid honey bees (AHB), also known as killer bees, to be highly defensive and aggressive? York University researchers have found it was the mixing of African and European genetics that led to hyper-aggression in this invasive strain of honey bees. AHBs are a genetics experiment gone wrong. […]

Community scientists identify bumble bees correctly 50 per cent of the time

Community scientists identify bumble bees correctly 50 per cent of the time

Bee photos by community scientists contribute to much needed data for conservation efforts TORONTO, June 29, 2020 – Think you can identify that bumble bee you just took a photo of in your backyard? York University researchers have found that a little more than 50 per cent of community science participants, who submitted photos to […]