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Webb reveals a galaxy sparkling with the universe’s oldest star clusters

Webb reveals a galaxy sparkling with the universe’s oldest star clusters

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), researchers from the CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS) team, including York University, have identified the most distant globular clusters ever discovered. These dense groups of millions of stars may be relics that contain the first and oldest stars in the universe.

Hungry galaxies grow fat on flesh of their neighbours

Hungry galaxies grow fat on flesh of their neighbours

Galaxies grow large by eating their smaller neighbours, finds an international research team, including York University. Exactly how massive galaxies attain their size is poorly understood, not least because they swell over billions of years. But now through a combination of observation and modelling, researchers, including the Faculty of Science’s Leo Alcorn, a York Science Fellow, have found a clue.