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Greenland Ice Sheet

New cause of exceptional Greenland melt revealed

New cause of exceptional Greenland melt revealed

TORONTO, April 1, 2016 – A new study by researchers from Denmark and Canada's York University, published in Geophysical Research Letters, has found that the climate models commonly used to simulate melting of the Greenland ice sheet tend to underestimate the impact of exceptionally warm weather episodes on the ice sheet. The study investigated the […]

Greenland ice sheet interior slowed, thickened over last 9,000 years, say York U and Texas researchers

Greenland ice sheet interior slowed, thickened over last 9,000 years, say York U and Texas researchers

York University and University of Texas create map of past ice sheet movement TORONTO, February 4, 2016 – Scientists have created the first map that shows how the Greenland Ice Sheet has flowed over time, revealing that ice in the interior is now moving more slowly toward the edges than it has, on average, over […]

Climate change altering Greenland ice sheet and accelerating sea level rise, says York U prof

Climate change altering Greenland ice sheet and accelerating sea level rise, says York U prof

TORONTO, January 4, 2016 – The Greenland ice sheet has traditionally been pictured as a bit of a sponge for glacier meltwater, but new research has found it is rapidly losing the ability to buffer its contribution to rising sea levels, says a York University researcher. York U Professor William Colgan, a co-author on the […]