nina levitt . com
about nina artworkcuratinglinks of interestcontact nina
  nina levitt links  

other sites with my art work
-canadian art database
-doris mccarthy galler
- OTHERWORLDLY at urban screens
, manchester uk

other sites with my writing
- closing Perram House NOW magazine April 2013

- review
of Miriam Margolyes as Dickens' women

articles & reviews of
my work

- esssay by Kim Simon on LITTLE BREEZE
- links to reviews of THIN AIR in Now Magazine and XTRA!
- Toronto Star article
- The Globe & Mail review of THIN AIR
-feature article by Margaret Rodgers October 2009 issue of Sculpture (excerpt)
-review of LITTLE BREEZE in Halifax
- BEING SHE in Xtra!
- BEING SHE in The Globe & Mail, June 9, 2011

other related sites

-gallery tpw

-york university, dept. of fine arts

2005 © Nina Levitt