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Additional Surveys

The Canadian Graduate and Professional Survey (CGPSS)

The Canadian Graduate and Professional Survey (CGPSS) was undertaken in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022. This survey contains a wealth of information about graduate student satisfaction and experience. In 2010 more than 38,000 graduate students participated at 38 universities across Canada. In 2013, participation rose to 48 universities and to 50 universities in 2016 and 2019. The updated National dataset now contains information from more than 200,000 responses.

Ontario University Graduate Survey (OUGS)

The Ontario University Graduate Survey (OUGS) is conducted annually by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU). Undergraduate cohorts are surveyed two years after graduation from university. The survey collects data on the employment rates and experiences of graduated students from undergraduate programs, both six months and two years after graduation.

Below are recent results for York University:

Year graduated Employed 6 months after graduationEmployed 2 years after graduation

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