The Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis supports the implementation of the University’s Integrated Resource Planning Framework which helps support the University’s planning efforts. OIPA is responsible for putting in place the administrative structures, processes and accountability measures required to implement and maintain an integrated resource planning framework that supports the achievement of the University’s goals.
Integrated Resource Planning
Integrated Resource Plans
Integrated Resources Plans focus on how each area intends to operationalize its strategic priorities. The Plans demonstrate how strategic academic plans are being implemented, identifying both the on-going and new activity the area intends to undertake given its current financial and staff resources and specifies Strategies/Actions; key Measures/Metrics/Milestones; and Timelines.
Performance, Accountability & Reporting
York University is committed to accountability and transparency in setting goals and measuring performance and will demonstrate this through publications of its performance. The Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis will support the University’s mandate and, on an annual basis, will make data available about York’s performance. These data are intended to inform discussion, strategies and decision making and to create and maintain a culture of performance and accountability. Included in this section are a series of reports and results that measure York’s progress and achievements towards towards its academic and strategic goals.
IRP Evaluation & Assessment
- The key to effective planning is continuous evaluation: a commitment to monitoring progress against plan. It is this evaluative component that breathes life into the planning process and makes the Integrated Resource Plan more than just another form that needs to be completed.
- Continuous evaluation allows planners to assess how well they are progressing toward their established objectives to make conscious adjustments to project plans to reassess expectations.
- An integral part of Integrated Resource Planning is the establishment of firm accountabilities. It is through the rigourous evaluation of progress that the University can determine how well it is doing in support of defined goals and objectives.
- In each cycle’s plan, planners are asked to list the key results or measures that will mark their progress forward towards related objectives. Planners are asked at the mid point and end point of the cycle to evaluate the progress they have made. This periodic evaluation allows planners to assess how well they are progressing toward their established objectives to make conscious adjustments to project plans and to reassess expectations.
Strategic Mandate Agreement
The Strategic Mandate Agreement between the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and York University outlines the role the University currently performs in Ontario’s post-secondary education system and how it will build on its current strengths to achieve its vision and help drive system-wide objectives and government priorities.
- Strategic Mandate Agreement 2020-2025
- Entente de mandat stratégique pour 2020-2025
- Strategic Mandate Agreement 2017-2020
- Entente de mandat stratégique pour 2017-2020
- Strategic Mandate Agreement 2014-2017
- Entente de mandat stratégique pour 2014-2017
Multi-Year Accountability Agreements
The Multi-Year Agreement (links to President Accountability) articulates the government’s goals for the post-secondary education system, and its roles and responsibilities in meeting those goals. The Multi-Year Action Plan sets out York’s specific commitments for improving access, equality and accountability identified in the Reaching Higher Measurement and Results Schematic
Performance Dialogue Process (PDP)
- Reading your IR Plan will help you understand your Division/Faculty/administrative unit’s priorities, objectives, strategies and measures.
- PDP is a facet of IRP and it is designed to help individual managers link their own activities /roles to their Division, Faculty or unit’s goals to the UAP.