Welcome to York University
Research proves that parent/family involvement is an important resource that improves a student’s productivity. We believe that parents and family members play a key role in the success of our students.
We hope you will find the information here useful and informative. Also be sure to watch this space for upcoming parents and family events and activities.
And don't forget, there are many ways you can contact us.
Parent & Family 201: Supporting First Year Students
Gain insights on student support strategies!
You can watch a recording of this event on our YouTube channel. Just click above.
You can also download the presentation notes right here.

We've compiled a list of the resources that parents and family members ask us about most often. Be sure to browse these resources, get familiar with them and bookmark them for future reference.

Student Life Timeline
Our handy Student Life Timeline will walk you through the academic year month by month, explaining what your student might be experiencing, reminding you of important dates, and providing further ways in which you can provide help and support to your student. We hope to work with you by helping you empower your student to take personal responsibility for their social and academic goals and choices.
Interested in York?
If you are the parent or family member of a future student who is interested in York, we have all the information you need to ensure your student is prepared to apply at our Future Students site.
Accepted an offer?
If your student has applied and accepted an offer, we are so happy that you've decided to attend York. Our Current Students site is the perfect starting point for all beginning and continuing students.
At York University students should always have someone to turn to for support.
Academic Advising Offices - students can find advising geared to their specific area of study.
Learning Commons Services - brings together academic learning supports to help students with areas such as writing, library research, citing, time management, study skills, exam preparation, English language support, numeracy and math support, career planning and much more.
Learning Skills Services - the perfect place for students looking for ways to manage their time, study and learn more effectively, and keep up with readings and course work.
Those diagnosed with a physical, sensory, medical, learning, or mental health disability may want to request submit an Extenuating Circumstances for Admission Consideration. If a student has a diagnosed disability, we encourage them to identify themselves during the admissions process. Even if their circumstances don't impact their admissibility to the University (the student meets our admission requirements), we want to make sure they know about the support services we have in place. In no way will identifying themselves be a disadvantage to an application.
Fees - Understand what fees your student needs to pay and when.
Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries - Learn the differences between scholarships, awards and bursaries and what your student qualifies for.
Financial Aid - There are many loan and grant options available to all students.
Student On-Campus Employment - In addition to scholarships, awards and bursaries, there are numerous on-campus employment opportunities for York undergraduate students to earn extra money, gain valuable experience and contribute to University life through our Work/Study program.
Student Counselling, Health & Well-being - A dynamic team of health care professionals, peer health educators, and support staff who collaborate to provide a range of health and well-being services that foster academic success, student development and an engaged community at York University.
Student Accessibility Services - Student Accessibility Services provides academic accommodation and support to York students in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education - We're HERE (Help, Educate, Respond, Empower) for you.
York University adheres to strict privacy policies and will not disclose any aspect of an applicant's admission file to a third party. However, applicants may choose to allow a third party, such as a parent or an educational consultant, to have access to their admission file. In such instances, the Office of Admissions requires signed permission before any applicant information is released. Our Third Party Access Permission Form is available on our Forms webpage.
The Community Safety Department's Security Services is committed to keeping York University campuses safe for everyone. All of the Security Services personnel are trained to a high professional standard to ensure your safety and to deal with any incidents that may occur.
Safety App - Designed for York U students, faculty and staff, the free app provides one-stop access to all of the University’s safety resources.
Getting around campus - To help you get around or between campuses safely, York University offers a number of different services such as goSAFE, VanGO, and the campus shuttle.
Blue Light Emergency Phones - students can connect directly with Security or goSAFE using one of the Emergency or Safety Phones located across campus.
A fun way to get a feel for campus before you even arrive is to take a Virtual Tour.
Student Life Timeline
In anticipation of commencing their university journey, students find themselves filled with a blend of anticipation and apprehension for the upcoming semester. Departing from home and their familiar support system, they may encounter a mix of excitement and unease.
To ensure a smooth transition and preparedness for the semester ahead, York University offers an array of resources.
If your student is still deciding to come to York, advise them to explore the Future Students website to learn more about the school and what sets us apart from the rest. If your student has already chosen York, then advise them to explore the Current Students website. It's the perfect starting point for all beginning and continuing students.
You will also want to ensure your student checks out all the transition and orientation events running all throughout the summer and into September. Here they can register for various information sessions that are offered both online and in person as well as campus tours and more.
If your student has a disability and requires assistance from Student Accessibility Services, it is advisable to initiate the registration process even before getting to campus.
Delve into the offerings of Student Counselling, Health and Well-being, which encompass various aspects of mental and physical well-being.
Encourage your student to follow @StudentLifeYU on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook. Our social channels are a valuable source of community building and student resource sharing.
Other Key Dates & Things to Remember:
- July 25 - Recommended date to apply for Fall-only and Fall/Winter OSAP and submit supporting documents
- Make sure your student knows when and how to pay their enrolment deposit
- Get familiar with Housing Services if your student will be living on campus
During the month of September, your student will encounter numerous novel experiences and endeavor to forge connections within the campus community. They might also experience feelings of longing for home, apprehension regarding the adjustment process, or difficulties in forming new acquaintances – all of which are perfectly ordinary!
Plentiful resources are available to assist your student in adapting to university life.
Orientation Week encompasses a series of activities designed to facilitate your student's adjustment to the campus environment, academic expectations, and the discovery of a fresh social network.
Payment for the Fall Semester courses will be required in September as well as the first half of payment for residence and meal plans. You can find detailed information about these important dates and others on the Registrar's Office website.
You and your student may want to explore the various forms of financial aid offered by the university, as well as scholarships, bursaries, and student employment opportunities. You can do all of that on the Student Financial Services website.
Is your student in need of healthcare assistance? The York Federation of Students offers a very comprehensive student health and dental plan. For international and exchange students, you will want to investigate the University Health Insurance Plan. Situated on York's Keele campus, the York Lanes Mall features the Apple Tree Medical Centre, a pharmacy, optometrist, dentist and other related services.
During the month of October, students really begin to explore their student identity. This can entail learning to balance academics and social life, trying new sports and getting involved with student clubs and organizations, as well as bracing themselves for mid-term exams. During this period, students might encounter challenges around their academic performance and emotional well-being. For these reasons, October is the perfect time to reach out to your student and do a check-in.
Resources that may be helpful for students:
Student Organizations - York is home to 350+ student clubs and organizations that range in areas of interest and identity, from sports and popular culture, to religion, politics and everything in between. Being involved on campus can help a student build a strong sense of community.
Student Counselling, Health & Well-being - Here students will discover a range of health and well-being services that foster academic success, student development and an engaged community. Students will learn to manage the demands of university life while developing their personal potential.
Learning Skills Services - Students who are looking for ways to manage their time and learn more effectively will get the most out of their studies by connecting with Learning Skills Services through their many available workshops, drop-in sessions, and online resources.
By November students should be finishing up their midterms. Their attention will now shift to December's exams and final projects. Anticipation for the December winter break will also begin to build. It is important that students are able to maintain their schedules and their focus throughout the month. Students will also begin to receive grades back for their midterms and previous assignments.
Academic Success - Based upon how a student is feeling about their grades, they may begin seeking additional learning and support services at this time of year. York offers a wealth of such services including Learning Skills workshops and drop-in sessions, the Learning Commons, the library’s Research Guides, program specific academic advising, and the Writing Centre at LAPS.
November is also an excellent time for students to receive a check-in from their family and loved ones. This sort of attention will significantly motivate and encourage a student and will improve mental health.
The first part of December will be very busy for students. Final assignments will be coming due and the exam period will begin. Students will be in study mode, but also eager for the winter break that comes after exams.
Students may experience a good deal of stress at this time of year. Encourage them to watch for and attend an stress-buster event often put on by Student Counselling, Health & Well-being or Student Organizations.
Learning Skills services has an extensive number of resources for exam preparation that all students should explore.
Additionally, the Registrar’s Office has an Examination Tip Sheet that ensure students know how to prepare for exams and what to expect at their exams.
Important Dates - Be sure students know the date of the last day of classes and the dates of the exam period.
After a reinvigorating winter break, January marks a fresh start for students. For a small cohort of students, January may also mark the beginning of their post-secondary academic career. For this reason, there will be a host of orientation programming. The academic orientation events are directed at brand new students, while most other Winter Orientation events are open to all students.
Winter Orientation - Follow the link for a complete list of events, activities and registration information. Students will learn the ins and outs of the resources designed to support them, get to know key faculty and administrators, all while making new friends.
If they have not done so previously, now might be the perfect time for students to check out important resources such as Learning Skills Services, Student Counselling, Health & Well-being, and Student Organizations.
Winter Term Important Dates - Be sure to check the Registrar Office's Important Dates website for the first day of classes for the Winter term and other dates to remember.