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Immigration Law

The Immigration Law Division helps new immigrants and refugees to Canada. CLASP’s immigration law services include:

Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Grounds Applications

Applications to become a permanent resident based on H&C grounds are assessed on a case-by-case basis and the goal is to grant permanent residence to people who live in Canada with no status, if the circumstances justify it. Factors taken into account when assessing such applications include, but are not limited to:

  • How settled the person is in Canada
  • General family ties to Canada
  • The best interests of any children involved
  • What could happen to the applicant if H&C is not granted

Refugee Hearings and Appeals of Negative Refugee Decisions

CLASP can represent you at the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for initial refugee claims or appeals, if you do not qualify for a legal aid certificate.

Citizenship Applications

We assist individuals with applying for citizenship and in certain cases ask for waivers from certain requirements of the citizenship application, such as language and writing the citizenship test.

Appeals to the Immigration Appeal Division

The Immigration Division at CLASP can assist in the following types of cases at the Immigration Appeal Division:

  • Sponsorship and Criminal Inadmissibility appeals
  • Appeals regarding loss of status due to non-compliance with the residency requirement