Deadline extended: Osgoode professor looking to recruit LLM student


The following post has been shared at the request of a faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School. If you have a similar notice you would like to share through the GLSA, reach out to the Chair at

Dr. Roxanne Mykitiuk is looking for a prospective Master of Laws (LLM) student for the 2022-2023 academic year who will pursue a research thesis on equity, diversity and inclusion in aerospace engineering. Ideally, such a student would carry out interdisciplinary legal, law-and-humanities or socio-legal research for their thesis, including engagement with critical science and technology studies, critical disability studies and/or feminist theory. The student would pursue a Research LLM at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, under Dr. Mykitiuk’s supervision and begin the degree in September 2022.

The successful candidate would be supported in part by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council’s (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program grant titled ‘Smart Autonomous Robotic Technology for Space Exploration’ (SMART-ART) and led by Dr. George Z H Zhu. As an NSERC-CREATE Graduate Scholar participating in SMART-ART, you will receive $10,000 CAD. Other funding ordinarily provided by the Osgoode Research LLM Program would also be available to students.

For more details about pursuing a Research LLM at Osgoode Hall Law School (including the low tuition costs, guaranteed financial packages, study carrels, etc.), see:

There is a two-stage application process for this position.

Stage 1: The first stage involves expressions of interest to Dr. Roxanne Mykitiuk, c/o Joshua Shaw, which can be submitted to by 15 January 2022. Expressions of interest should specify how the candidate meets the academic requirements for an LLM, and should be submitted along with:

  • a CV,
  • transcripts,
  • a brief summary of a proposed research project (max 2 pages)
  • a list of contact information for two references.

Information provided will be kept in confidence, shared only for the purposes of facilitating the admission process.

For international applicants, Osgoode Hall Law School’s deadline is January 15, so Stage 1 must be completed alongside Stage 2.

Stage 2: Candidates who are shortlisted at Stage 1 will be provided with additional information about how to apply to the second stage. Stage 2 applications will be assessed through the Osgoode Hall Law School graduate admission process. For international candidates, Osgoode Hall Law School’s deadline is January 15, so Stage 1 will coincide with Stage 2.