
Deadline extended: Osgoode professor looking to recruit LLM student

  The following post has been shared at the request of a faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School. If you have a similar notice you would like to share through the GLSA, reach out to the Chair at Dr. Roxanne Mykitiuk is looking for a prospective Master of Laws (LLM) student for the […]

Call for expressions of interest in Osgoode graduate works-in-progress (Winter 2022 term)

Based on the success of holding four works-in-progress sessions during the Fall 2021 term, the GLSA, with the Research and Seminars Committee at Osgoode Hall Law School, will continue to host the graduate student works-in-progress series during the Winter 2022 term. We have now held seven works-in-progress sessions since we began these in March 2021. We intend to host […]

LLM recruitment in equity, diversity and inclusion in aerospace engineering

  The following post has been shared at the request of a faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School. If you have a similar notice you would like to share through the GLSA, reach out to the Chair at Dr. Roxanne Mykitiuk is looking for a prospective Master of Laws (LLM) student for the […]

Virtual coffee break on 15 October 2021

Based on the success of Dr. Ruth Buchanan’s coffee break last week, the GLSA will help coordinate them on a frequent basis each month. Please feel free to join our next virtual Osgoode Grad coffee break on Friday, October 15 at 10 AM – 11 AM EST. Come chat about your work week, troubleshoot research […]

Call for interest (deadline October 5): Osgoode LLM/PhD grad student works-in-progress

The Research and Seminars Committee at Osgoode Hall Law School is hosting a graduate student work-in-progress series again this year. We are looking for four (4) presenters among the research LLM and PhD programmes, with presentations to be scheduled during the fall term. We will send out another call in January for the winter term. […]

Elections for Chair and Conference Chair in April 2021

The Osgoode GLSA is approaching election time for two positions: Osgoode GLSA Chair Conference Chair These elections will be held in April. If you have questions or are interested in taking on either (or both) roles for the 2021-2022 academic year, please contact the current Osgoode GLSA Chair, Joshua Shaw, at Elections for all […]

End-of-Term (Zoom) Party on December 19

Our end-of-term social is this Saturday, December 19, 2020! If you are an LLM or PhD student in the research stream at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, you are invited to join us on Zoom between 5 and 7 PM. Come see your colleagues! Send an e-mail to for details.

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: December 20, 2020

The Graduate Law Students Association (GLSA) at Osgoode Hall Law School of York University is hosting a virtual Graduate Student Conference on February 18 and 19, 2021. The theme is "Law's Topologies: The Map, Territory and Spaces in Between," inviting students from all over the world to consider the relevance of space to their study […]

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