Copyright Modernization Week(s!)

Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino is the Founder and Director of IP Osgoode.

Over the next couple of weeks, our IPilogue editors will be posting blogs covering various aspects of the Copyright Modernization Act (Bill C-32) and we hope that you will join in the discussion. There is a lot to consider in the text of Bill C-32, so we can’t cover it all, but you can expect the following topics to be discussed in the coming days:

June 8 – Provisions relating to use of works by educational institutions

June 9 – Secondary infringement provisions for enabling acts of copyright infringement
June 10 – Technological Protection Measures and Rights Management Information
June 11 – Copying for the benefit of persons with a print disability
June 15 – ISP and network service provider liability
June 16 – New exceptions to copyright infringement (e.g. non-commercial user generated content uses and recording programs for later viewing)

If there are particular aspects of the new legislation that you would like us to comment on, please don’t hesitate to contact us.