IP Osgoode Webpage Renovations for the New Semester

The IP Osgoode team has been hard at work this summer redesigning certain parts of our webpage to help improve reader experience and make our exciting projects more visible to you. The major changes include an Alumni Page to showcase all the volunteers that have helped support IP Osgoode, a Feedback Page to allow our readers to send us ideas and issues, and an update to our Multimedia Page.

The Alumni Page, found in the navigation bar under the “Our Team” heading, is a new webpage that lists every volunteer that has supported IP Osgoode since its creation in 2007. We have had over eighty student volunteers support IP Osgoode as an IPilogue Editor, IP Intensive Intern, or Innovation Clinic Fellow, and this is our way of recognizing all of their great work!

The Feedback Page, found in the footer of our webpage layout, is a new webpage that will allow our readers to communicate with us. Our readers can now fill out a simple form to share any ideas or issues they have with the website directly to us.

Our Multimedia Page, found in the header of our webpage layout in the top right, has also been updated. The new design will be featuring videos (e.g. my own Research Byte, “The Legal Implications of Commercializing Intellectual Property Rights”) as well as the latest posts on our @IPilogue Twitter account.

We have also made some minor changes to the website. These include updates to the menus available on the right hand side of our webpage where we have added Twitter link at the top and we have condensed the links within the Archive menu.

We are excited about these new changes, and we hope you are too! Of course, if you have any more suggestions we welcome hearing from you, either through our Feedback Page or by contacting me directly.


Giuseppina D’Agostino is the Founder and Director of IP Osgoode, the Founder and Director of the IP Intensive Program, and an Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.