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Law of the Cloud v Law of the Land: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation

The following is an excerpt from De Filippi, P, Belli, L, ‘Law of the Cloud v Law of the Land: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation’, European Journal for Law and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012. The re-posting of this excerpt is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective. Cloud computing […]

Clash of the Tartans...

In Abraham Moon & Sons Ltd v. Thornber and others, the Patents County Court (“PCC”) in London held that a firm called “Art of the Loom” and its partners (“defendants”) had infringed Abraham Moon’s (“claimant”) copyright in “Skye Sage”. This decision is noteworthy because it serves as an example of how copyright law relates to the […]

Bonsai This Is Not: ICANN and the Internet Governance Landscape

Internet Governance may be one of the most understated, under-recognized issues today, relative to its impact on Internet-using society as we know it. And as far as landscapes go, the current one sits slightly closer to that of an asteroid belt than a Japanese rock garden.

Glass Half Empty for Industrial Design Protection in Canada?

The re-posting of this analysis is part of a collaboration with Ashlee Froese.   An interesting decision was recently issued by Canada’s Federal Court, which has sparked some interest in the intellectual property arena: Bodum USA, Inc. and PI Design AG v. Trudeau Corporation (1889) Inc.

US first sale doctrine: Proudly made in the USA

The American Bar Association (ABA) recently urged the Supreme Court of the United States to affirm the decision of the Court of Appeal, 2nd Circuit, in John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Kirtsaeng.

Google’s digital library wins fair use against Canadian writers

Won’t somebody think of the children!? A New York federal court judge will. A copyright infringement lawsuit by multiple authors’ groups – including two Canadian ones – against Google and several universities for their HathiTrust Digital Library book scanning and digital distribution has been dismissed.