IP Osgoode: Call for IPilogue Editor Applications
The IPilogue is seeking additional members for its summer editorial team.
The IPilogue is seeking additional members for its summer editorial team.
Embarrassing marketing gaffe or reasonable exercise of legal rights? Nintendo issues “Content ID match” claims on "Let’s Play" (LP) videos featuring their game franchises. Prolific YouTube user Zack Scott speaks out against the move.
In the 2012 Supreme Court of Canada copyright cases, the Court found an opportunity to redefine the law of fair dealing in Canada. While the Court acknowledged that fair dealing is a question of fact, and thereby properly adjudicated by triers of fact like the Copyright Board of Canada, the Court stepped in to revisit […]
Gift cards are everywhere. They are in envelopes as gifts for your friends on their birthdays. They are in your own wallet for your favourite stores. Gift cards are also in the United States Court of Appeals.
There have been many high profile court cases of patent infringement in the past year, culminating in a headline-topping $1 billion award for Apple against Samsung. Even with massive awards like this, at the end of the day, has the patent system produced a net benefit for Apple and the smartphone industry as a whole?
The re-posting of this analysis is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective.
On May 10, 2013, York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School Graduate Law Student Association (GLSA) held a two day Graduate Student Law Conference at the Oakham House at Ryerson University in downtown Toronto.
The European Commission has proposed amendments to the Community Trade Mark (CTM) Regulation and Trade Marks Directive. The primary function is to harmonize EU member trade-mark laws. This bureaucratic hygiene aim – which resulted in a mixture of trade-mark rights expansion and contraction – stands in contrast to the current, controversial and (in my opinion) […]
Earlier this month, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released its annual “Special 301 Report,” which evaluates the intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement of its trading partners. Over the last few years, Canada has been listed on the “Priority Watch List”, which is reserved for countries that have the most deficient IP protection […]
During the celebration of World Intellectual Property Day on April 24, 2013, the US Committee on the Judiciary announced its intention to promote a comprehensive review of US copyright law in order to modernize copyright protection in the US.