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Breach of Confidence: Your “Friends” Can’t Protect You

As social media becomes increasingly prolific, the perils of its use are becoming increasingly apparent. Yet another case has highlighted that the information you place in the online sphere is liable to harm you in a court of law.

Winners of the Gowlings Best Blog in IP and Technology Law Prize!

IP Osgoode would like to congratulate the winners of the Gowlings Best Blog in IP Law and Technology Prize for 2012-2013.  Four prizes in total are awarded each year to Osgoode students and the winning blog posts are featured in the IPilogue. Recipients also receive a $500 award, are announced at Convocation and receive a […]

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner Calls for Changes to PIPEDA

On May 23rd, 2013, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (“OPC”) released a report entitled “ The Case for Reforming the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act” (the “Report”). The Report proposes a number of changes to the Act by identifying four main “pressure points”.

IP Osgoode Welcomes Professor Victor Nabhan

IP Osgoode is proud to announce that Professor Victor Nabhan has been selected as a Genest Global Faculty member for the 2013-2014 academic year at Osgoode Hall Law School. IP Osgoode and Osgoode’s Office of the Associate Dean, Research, Graduate Studies, and Institutional Relations have teamed up to make his particular appointment happen.

The Arithmetic of Fair Dealing at the Supreme Court of Canada

In the 2012 Supreme Court of Canada copyright cases, the Court found an opportunity to redefine the law of fair dealing in Canada. While the Court acknowledged that fair dealing is a question of fact, and thereby properly adjudicated by triers of fact like the Copyright Board of Canada, the Court stepped in to revisit […]

(Gift) Carded in the US Court of Appeals

Gift cards are everywhere. They are in envelopes as gifts for your friends on their birthdays. They are in your own wallet for your favourite stores. Gift cards are also in the United States Court of Appeals.