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IP Osgoode Speaker Series: Douglas Pepper Video

IP Osgoode would like to thank Douglas Pepper for taking part in our speaker series. His presentation provided an enlightening look at the publishing industry. For those who were unable to attend the event in person, coverage of the event by one of our editors is available here, and a video of the entire presentation […]

The ‘Myriad’ with the Golden ‘Gene’: Australia Upholds Breast Cancer Gene Patents

The Myriad Genetics gene patenting saga has officially shaped international jurisprudence, with the Federal Court of Australia upholding the patents for BRCA1 and BRCA2. In Cancer Voices Australia v. Myriad Genetics, NSD643/2010, Federal Court of Australia (Sydney), the first Australian case to deal with the issue of gene patents, the Court took a similarly liberal […]

Sparking Innovation With Students: Examining The Student Role From Invention To Commercialization

Sparking Innovation With Students: Examining The Student Role From Invention To Commercialization Conference Chair Prof. Giuseppina D’Agostino  Founder & Director, IP Osgoode Including Keynote Addresses from Sylvain Laporte Commissioner of Patents, Registrar of Trademarks and CEO, Canadian Intellectual Property Office Bill Mantel Assistant Deputy Minister  – Research, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Division Ontario Ministry of Research […]

Online Gripesites and ICANN’s new GTLD Process

A “gripe site” is a web site established to criticize an institution such as a corporation, union, government body, or political figure. Not surprisingly, powerful institutions often do not take kindly to being criticized, and they have invented a variety of ways to try to suppress the speech of their adversaries. –          The Public Citizen[1]

Developments in Data Protection in 2012 and Trends for 2013

The re-posting of this analysis is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective. 2012 was a very busy year for Italian lawmakers. Several laws significantly amended the Italian data protection legal framework, as set forth in the Italian Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003).

Her Story Left the Judge HEARTBROKEN

The UK Patents County Court recently released the decision of Henderson v All Around the World; a case involving a copyright claim by a young artist whose song became an unexpected hit.  Jodie Henderson (aka Jodie Aysha) was in her mid-teens when she wrote a song called “Heartbroken” which was recorded and remixed by Tafazwa […]

Helping Innovators Make it into the Economy

IP Osgoode’s Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino was recently featured in an article entitled “IP Clinic Hoping for Growth” in the Law Times (also available here).  In the article, Professor D’Agostino discusses her hopes in growing the OCE/IP Osgoode Innovation Clinic to help more people in a meaningful way that would not otherwise have the resources.

Developments in advertising law, the Internet, e-commerce and IP in 2012, and trends for 2013

The re-posting of this analysis is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective. 2012 was characterized by a number of innovations in legal provisions, case law and regulations concerning the Internet, e-commerce, advertising and intellectual property that affected the evolution of these sectors. This article deals with the […]

‘Osgoode Style’ Wins Big at 2013 Harold G. Fox Canadian Intellectual Property Moot

It is my pleasure to return to my editorial duties (sans a 007 title pun) for the IPilogue to bring a first hand account of the fifth annual Harold G. Fox Canadian Intellectual Property Moot. After months of grueling preparation, I am proud to report that the moot, while a resounding success all-around, was particularly […]