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Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products in the EU Up in Smoke?

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire… or at least a heated debate. On October 8th, 2013, the European Parliament voted on the proposed revisions to the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). One of the highly contested issues concerned intellectual property rights and the labeling and packaging of tobacco products.

The Ambiguous Nature of Copyright Users' Rights

Featured here is a summary of Pascale Chapdelaine’s paper, which was selected through blind peer review for the competitive 6th Annual Junior Scholars in Intellectual Property Workshop (Michigan State University, October 2013) where established American IP scholars, commented on Pascale’s and the other selected participants’ papers.

The Sound of the Internet is Not So Sweet to the Ears of David Lowery

Much has been written and discussed about the state of the music industry, and the impacts digital media has had on it. Past IPilogue coverage has included detailed analysis of last year's copyright pentalogy, the music industry's assault on Eastern European digital stores, and an interview with the president of Music Canada. The main themes of the debate […]

Revenge of the Trolls: Back to Square One for Apple

“To live is to war with trolls,” said Henrik Ibsen. Well, Apple Inc (“Apple”) has recently reached an impasse in its war against patent holding firm or "patent troll" Lodsys, LLC.

The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook Up Fair Dealing

On Friday October 4 2013 , the University of Ottawa hosted the launch event of the new book The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law. The book, edited by Michael Geist, features chapters written by a number of prominent intellectual property law professors, including IP Osgoode's Professor Giuseppina […]

User Generated Content: Generating More Questions than Answers

IP Osgoode and the Genest Memorial Fund hosted an electric and vibrant panel on Thursday, October 10 to discuss the newly enacted User-Generated Content (UGC) provision in the Copyright Act. While there were many disagreements between proponents and skeptics of the provision, the panellists all seemed to agree on one thing - it’s legislative ambiguity.

Examining User Generated Content from an Industry Perspective

On October 10, 2013, IP Osgoode hosted a full-day symposium on “User Generated Content Under Canadian Copyright Law” discussing the new UGC copyright exception with guest speakers from government, industry, private practice, and academia.  After a morning showcasing examples of user-generated content (“UGC”) – including a DJ Lance Romance track, Psycho slowed down to 24 […]