Unpack SODRAC Symposium Videos

IP Osgoode would like to thank everyone who attended "Unpack SODRAC: Technological Change and Copyright Tariffs after CBC v SODRAC (SCC 2015)" on February 25, 2016 at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Organzied by Osgoode's Associate Dean (Research & Institutional Relations), Prof. Carys Craig, and Prof. Ariel Katz, Associate Professor, Innovation Chair in Electronic Commerce at Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, the symposium aimed at unpacking the myriad of issues covered in the 2015 Supreme Court case CBC v SODRAC 2003 Inc.

The symposium covered three main topics from the case, technological neutrality, reproduction rights, and "mandatory" tariffs.  To view the videos or read the IPilogue's commentary for each of the three panel discussions, please click on the relevant links below:

The Honourable Mr. Marshall Rothstein's keynote speech

Technological Neutrality: video, IPilogue blog

Reproduction Rights: video, IPilogue blog

"Mandatory" Tariffs: video, IPilogue blog