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IP Intensive: Stanford CodeX – Sunshine, Start-ups and Silicon Valley

IP Intensive: Stanford CodeX – Sunshine, Start-ups and Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the nexus of the entrepreneurship in the 21st century. While European tourists may duck into a medieval church to sightsee, a Bay Area tourist may take in any number of technological cathedrals. In the Bay, it is easy to trace the history of technology companies like Google, Tesla, Hewlett Packard and Apple […]

IP Intensive: From Tariffs to Bouncy Castles—A Semester at SOCAN

IP Intensive: From Tariffs to Bouncy Castles—A Semester at SOCAN

As part of IP Osgoode’s Intellectual Property Law and Technology Intensive Program, students are asked to reflect, then write on their placement experience. All I could think was how perfect my placement at the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers (SOCAN) was, as a musician and SOCAN member, and law student fascinated by infringement.

What Makes It My Molecule: A Look at Professor Ronald Pearlman’s Genome Editing Work

What Makes It My Molecule: A Look at Professor Ronald Pearlman’s Genome Editing Work

This past November, Professor Ronald E. Pearlman from York University’s Department of Biology gave a talk [1] at Osgoode Hall Law School to discuss the potential of the innovative CRISPR genome editing system. Central to the talk was the evolving nature of genome editing technology and the ethical concerns that come with its growing breadth of […]

IP Intensive: Going the Distance (In Education) - Expanding my Legal Skills through a Semester at TVO

IP Intensive: Going the Distance (In Education) - Expanding my Legal Skills through a Semester at TVO

I must confess, I never thought having a background in children’s theatre performance would ever factor into my law school education. Although it was a lifetime ago that I was holding court before gymnasiums full of children; animating children’s books from the curriculum through songs, puppetry, and interactive storytelling, that experience proved a perfect platform […]

IP Intensive: A Semester at ISED - An Unforgettable Experience

IP Intensive: A Semester at ISED - An Unforgettable Experience

As part of Osgoode's Intellectual Property (IP) Intensive Program, I was placed at Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) for 10 weeks. As the department of the Government of Canada charged with a mandate to foster a growing, competitive knowledge-based Canadian economy, ISED attempts to increase Canada’s share of global trade and enhance innovation […]

IP Intensive: At the Heart of the Storm - A Semester at the Globe & Mail

IP Intensive: At the Heart of the Storm - A Semester at the Globe & Mail

My semester interning at the Globe & Mail as part of Osgoode's IP Intensive program was enriching and memorable. It allowed me to gain valuable practical experience that built upon the academic perspectives of law school. It was an experience I could have easily missed out on had I not applied to this program and […]