Call for Intellectual Property Journal (IPJ) Student Editors

Founded in 1984, the Intellectual Property Journal (IPJ) covers matters relating to all aspects of Intellectual Property such as patents, trade-marks, copyright, designs, trade secrets, and related areas such as privacy. The focus of the journal is on Canadian material with a mix of comparative and   international   law   content.   The   IPJ   contains   articles,   opinions,   book   reviews,   case commentaries   and   writings   on   legal developments   around   the   world.   The   IPJ   accepts submissions  from  any  interested  parties,  including  students,  provided  that  they  meet  a  high standard of scholarly rigour.

The Journal, edited by Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, is published by Carswell ( three times per year.

Professor D’Agostino invites Osgoode law students to apply for IPJ student editor positions. IPJ editors will be responsible for reviewing and arranging peer review of journal articles, provide feedback to contributors and coordinate logistical matters, including communicating with authors regarding deadlines and other journal policies.

Term:  2020 - 2021 academic year (possibility of starting this summer)

Time Demands:   Approx. 1-2 hrs per week


  • An interest in learning about current IP law and technology issues
  • Ability to write in a concise and clear manner
  • Excellent organizational skills

Application Process:

Please provide the following materials via email to by Friday, August 7, 2020:

  • One-page cover letter (briefly outlining your interests in IP law)
  • Copy of your resume and grades

Please send any questions you may have to: