The editorial staff of the Intellectual Property Journal are welcoming submissions to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming edition of the journal.
About the Journal
Founded in 1984, the Intellectual Property Journal (IPJ) covers matters relating to all aspects of Intellectual Property such as patents, trade-marks, copyright, designs, trade secrets, and related areas such as privacy. The focus of the journal is on Canadian material with a mix of comparative and international law content. The IPJ contains articles, opinions, book reviews, case commentaries and writings on legal developments around the world. The IPJ accepts submissions from any interested parties, including students, provided that they meet a high standard of scholarly rigour.
The Journal, edited by Editor-in-Chief Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, Editorial Board Member Professor David Vaver, Deputy Editor Dr. Aviv Gaon, and Senior Editor Ryan Wong, is published by Carswell ( three times per year.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be double spaced, in Microsoft Word format and sent via email to Submissions are reviewed on a continuous basis. Following consideration for eligibility, the editorial team will be in contact with all those who submit content. Please note that all content will be subject to a double blind review process before publication.
A) Subject Matter
Submissions to the intellectual property journal should focus on patents, trade-maks, copyright, designs, trade secrets, competitive torts, or related subjects. The following are welcomed by the editorial team:
- Articles of 8,000 - 10,000 words (including footnotes) focusing on IP law or policy issues.
- Notes and Comments of 2,000 – 4,000 words focusing on legislation, case law and IP practice.
- Book reviews of 2,000 - 4,000 words evaluating scholarly books on IP law and policy.
B) Title Page
All submissions to the intellectual property journal must include a title page that identifies the following information:
- The title of the submission
- The name(s) of the author(s)
- Contact information for the author(s)
- Mailing address for the author(s)
- Short biography of the author and/or any comment about the submission (up to 250 words)
C) Abstract
All submissions must include a 100-150 word abstract.
D) Citations
All submissions must include citations in footnote format in accordance with the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 9th Edition (McGill Guide). Submissions with endnotes are not accepted for review.