Sir Hugh Laddie – Commemoration

Sir Hugh Laddie QC, who passed away last week after a long battle with illness, will be remembered for many things.  For those who knew him, he was entertaining and witty company and a loyal friend, always ready to lend a hand; for those who appeared in court against him, he was a brilliant advocate; for those who read legal texts, his co-authored book on UK copyright law has become a standard for many to emulate but few to attain; for those who read judgments on intellectual property, the ones he delivered as a trial judge during the decade of 1995-2005 will stand out as masterly authorities; for those who sat on committees with him, his judgment, energy and insight will be remembered; for those who saw him at conferences, his cheerful voice and incisive talks and comments will no longer be heard; for those who were his students at University College London over the last few years, they will somehow have to get along without a witty, enthusiastic and provocative lecturer and mentor.  His many contributions to a better understanding of intellectual property remain despite his departure.  A decent human being is no longer with us, and the IP world has lost one of its great enthusiasts and most acute constructive critics.


Numerous other blogs have shared their memories in tribute of Sir Hugh Laddie including: IAM Blog, Howard Knopf, William Patry, IP Kat, and Times Online.