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Reply all: BCer launches privacy class action against Google

A Sechelt resident has filed a class action suit with the British Columbia Supreme Court against tech superpower Google Inc. The claim alleges privacy and copyright violations committed by the Gmail content scanning process, which includes digital review of correspondence between Gmail users and users of other, non-Gmail accounts.

The Race for the Next Innovative Visionary

Entrepreneurs create ideas that turn into worldwide sell-out products.  Whichever country has the talent to conceive of these products will have a thriving economy.  For these reasons, various governments are developing programs to attract entrepreneurial talent to their country.  It is, therefore, not surprising that both the Canadian and American governments have announced their intentions […]

Japanese Scientists Crack Eggs-From-Stem-Cells Puzzle

Japanese scientists report they have, for the first time, grown mammalian eggs from stem cells and that these artificially created eggs were used to produce healthy offsprings. This advancement is being called the beginning of the end of the long search for the holy-grail of reproductive biology.

Avoiding Poison Apples and Tending to Blackberries: Did Canada’s 1989 Shift To First-To-File Nip Small-Time Innovation In the Bud?

New legal research from the University of Pennsylvania Law School suggests so. The aim of the study, according to Professors David S. Abrams and R. Polk Wagner, is to empirically predict how the recent changes to American patent laws, introduced by section 3 (s3) of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), will affect American innovation after […]

The Impact of Free Music Downloads on the Purchase of Music CDs in Canada

This report examines data on the effects of Internet peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing activities on music purchasing which were obtained from a survey commissioned by Industry Canada. The survey was designed to “inform Industry Canada’s policy development work” [1] and ultimately therefore support better policy decisions regarding the copyright law in Canada.

IP Osgoode and Osgoode PD host Joint Teleseminar on Copyright Pentalogy

On September 13, 2012, IP Osgoode will be hosting a joint teleseminar with Osgoode Professional Development. The topic of the seminar will be the recent developments in copyright law as a result of Supreme Court rulings on 5 major copyright cases (known as the Copyright Pentalogy). For IP Osgoode coverage of the Copyright Pentalogy, see […]