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Sparking Innovation With Students: Examining The Student Role From Invention To Commercialization

Sparking Innovation With Students: Examining The Student Role From Invention To Commercialization Conference Chair Prof. Giuseppina D'Agostino  Founder & Director, IP Osgoode Including Keynote Addresses from Sylvain Laporte Commissioner of Patents, Registrar of Trademarks and CEO, Canadian Intellectual Property Office Bill Mantel Assistant Deputy Minister  - Research, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Division Ontario Ministry of Research […]

Live and Let Die: Gene Patenting Plot Thickens as the Patent/Trade Secret Line is Blurred

The long battle in the American courts over Myriad Genetics’ patents of BRCA1 and BRCA2, the primary diagnostic genes for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer has been well-documented in the IPilogue (see coverage by Beatrice yesterday as well as previous posts here, here, and here). Now, Myriad is poised to defend their patents at the Supreme Court for a second time, with […]

Google’s digital library wins fair use against Canadian writers

Won’t somebody think of the children!? A New York federal court judge will. A copyright infringement lawsuit by multiple authors’ groups – including two Canadian ones – against Google and several universities for their HathiTrust Digital Library book scanning and digital distribution has been dismissed.

The Race for the Next Innovative Visionary

Entrepreneurs create ideas that turn into worldwide sell-out products.  Whichever country has the talent to conceive of these products will have a thriving economy.  For these reasons, various governments are developing programs to attract entrepreneurial talent to their country.  It is, therefore, not surprising that both the Canadian and American governments have announced their intentions […]

The Patentability of Gene Sequences: Myriad Genetics’ Day in the United States Supreme Court

In late March, The United States Supreme Court ordered the U.S Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit to reconsider Myriad Genetics’ existing patent on two genes associated with a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer, in light of the judgement rendered in Mayo Collaborative Services v Prometheus Labs (Prometheus). A unanimous Supreme Court […]

Expiry Notice: A Review Of EU Antitrust Rules And Technology Transfer Agreements

Courtney Doagoo is a doctoral student at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. On December 6 2011, the European Commission launched a public consultation to review the current regulatory regime surrounding “EU antitrust rules for the assessment of technology transfer agreements” for “patents, know-how and software licensing”. The aim of the public consultation is […]