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IP Osgoode and Osgoode Hall Law School host intellectual property symposium in honour of Osgoode Prof. David Vaver, “Intellectual Property: Fuel for the Fire of Genius or Shelf Life of a Banana?”

Re-posted below is a media release from York University. TORONTO, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017 – For nearly 40 years, Professor David Vaver has been a guiding force in the Canadian intellectual property (IP) landscape. On Monday, Nov. 20, IP Osgoode and Osgoode Hall Law School at York University will host a special symposium in honour […]

Examining Ambiguities in Patent Examination Guidelines by Dr. Siva Thambisetty

As part of the IP Osgoode Speaks Series, Dr. Siva Thambisetty, an associate professor of law at the London School of Economics, visited Osgoode Hall Law School to speak on the subject of patent dialect. The main focus of her talk, entitled, “Is Patent Law Evasive or Merely Elusive?”, was to highlight the issue of […]

(Ir)Rational Choice Theory: Prof. Chris Buccafusco’s Search for the Biases of Creativity

What happens when intellectual property law collides with the social sciences? They meld together for some fascinating experiments. In a lecture given at Osgoode Hall Law School as part of the IP Osgoode Speaks Series, Prof. Chris Buccafusco described three such experiments performed by him and his team.[1]  Specifically, their research seeks to develop an […]

The Partnership on AI: A Modern Manhattan Project?

On June 29, Sam Harris delivered a TED Talk in which he posed the question: “can we build artificial intelligence without losing control of it?” He proposed the founding of “something like a Manhattan project on the topic of artificial intelligence” to answer his question. On September 28, leading Silicon Valley AI developers entered into a “Partnership […]

Orphan Works Hackathon: Final Report of the Concepts, Process and Insights

Introduction As the first collaboration of its kind, in February 2016, IP Osgoode and The Copyright and International Trade Policy Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage, came together to organize the “Orphan Works Licensing Portal Hackathon”, a multi-day hackathon to develop options for a new online system to process licensing of Canadian orphan works […]

Unpack SODRAC Symposium Videos

IP Osgoode would like to thank everyone who attended “Unpack SODRAC: Technological Change and Copyright Tariffs after CBC v SODRAC (SCC 2015)” on February 25, 2016 at Osgoode Hall Law School.

IP Osgoode Speaks Series featuring Dr. Abraham Drassinower: What’s Wrong with Copying?

On March 11, the IP Osgoode Speaks Series hosted University of Toronto’s Professor Abraham Drassinower to present his new book, What’s Wrong with Copying? His presentation was followed with comments by Professor Bita Amani from Queen’s University, as well as Osgoode’s own Professor Carys Craig; each of whom offered insightful critiques of Drassinower’s book.

A Copy is a Copy is a Copy: Reproduction Rights In CBC v. SODRAC

The Honourable Mr. Marshall Rothstein is a tough act to follow, especially when recounting his own majority decision. At the recent UNPACK SODRAC: Technological Change and Copyright Tariffs after CBC v SODRAC (SCC 2015) symposium, the former Supreme Court justice stood firmly by his decision in the case during his keynote address. The panelists during […]

IP Osgoode Sneak Preview for 2016

Happy new year! IP Osgoode is happy to be kicking off 2016 with a dynamic series of events and activities. Adding to this excitement is the fantastic news about The Honourable Mr. Rothstein’s appointment as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School (OHLS). Mr. Rothstein will be involved with some our activities and […]