Famous Marks
Can’t “Flea” from Louis Vuitton
Although there is no shortage of counterfeit products on the market, it is not everyday that a high fashion designer sues your local flea market. Recently, Louis Vuitton reportedly filed a lawsuit against Dr. Flea’s Flea Market for intentionally selling a handbag that was evidently in violation of Canadian trademark and copyright laws.
The Washington Wrong-Skins: A Moral Victory over Tasteless Trademarks
The football field is for helmets not headdresses. In the much talked about June 18, 2014 decision in Blackhorse v Pro Football, Inc. the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) made a clear statement that culturally-insensitive trademarks would not be tolerated. The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) decided to cancel six federal trademark […]
Parody in Trade-mark Law - "Dumb Starbucks" Might Not Be So Dumb After All
Nathan Fielder created quite an uproar when he opened up an establishment in Los Feliz, California named "Dumb Starbucks." According to its FAQ sheet, the store claimed to legally operate under US parody laws.