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EU Parliament Calls On Commission To Work Towards WIPO Treaty For Accessibility

Andrew Baker is an LLB/BCL candidate at McGill University Faculty of Law. The EU Parliament has just released a report (see article 70) calling on the EU Commission to support a WIPO treaty proposal that would create binding legal norms for copyright exceptions for accessible formats of print material.

Legal “Hangover” For Warner Bros. Over Mike Tyson Tattoo

Brent Randall is a JD candidate at the University of Ottawa. On May 24, 2011, in Missouri, US District Court Judge Catherine D. Perry denied an injunction requested by tattoo artist S. Victor Whitmill against Warner Bros. to prevent the release of the upcoming comedy film “The Hangover: Part II” on May 26.  Mr. Whitmill […]

CPCC’s Proposed Memory Card Levy Sparks Debate On Use And Cost

Brent Randall is a JD candidate at the University of Ottawa. The Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC), recently proposed a levy on electronic memory cards that would collect between $0.50 and $3.00 on each sale depending on their capacity. The existing tariff on recording media like blank CDs would remain the same.

ACS:Law fined £1000 for Sloppily Securing File-Sharers’ Personal Details

Kalen Lumsden is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Andrew Crossley, the sole practitioner of ACS:Law has been fined £1000 for failing to properly secure the personal details of file-sharers targeted by his firm. Among the information leaked was the identities of individuals ACS:Law had threatened with legal action for file-sharing pornography.

No Record Label Licences? No Problem it seems for Google’s Music Locker

Danny Titolo is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Google has officially entered the online music storage and streaming field. The service is called Music Beta by Google, and allows users to upload music libraries to a personal storage locker online. From this storage locker or cloud, users can then download or stream […]

Same Bat Marks, Same Batmobile – And That’s the Problem

Brent Randall is a JD candidate at the University of Ottawa. DC Comics, owner of the Batman character, filed a lawsuit on May 6, 2011, alleging infringement of its copyright and trade-mark rights over the Batmobile.  The suit, filed in California, alleges that the named defendant, Mark Towle, is selling imitation Batmobile vehicles as well […]

Samsung Bites into Apple as Mobile Communications Patent Wars Continue

Dan Whalen is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. In a blitz of lawsuits, Samsung Electronics has gone from defendant to plaintiff as it counter-sued Apple over alleged infringement of its mobile communications technology. Amid the field’s patent wars, one wonders how this battle between long-time allies will end.

Take Two for Eastman Kodak in Patent Row with Apple, RIM

Dan Whalen is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Eastman Kodak has received some uplifting news in its ongoing patent dispute with tech giants, Apple and Research In Motion. Last week, the US International Trade Commission announced that it will review an earlier opinion rendered against the photography pioneer. If the decision is […]

Kanye West Wins Copyright Battle

Alwyn Phillips is a JD Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School and currently enrolled in the course Law & Social Change: Law & Music, in Winter 2011. As part of the course requirements, students are asked to write a blog on a topic of their choice. On March 3, 2011, recording artist Kanye West was […]