Internet Sharing
IP Year in Review 2017 - A Year of Promises Made, Kept, and Abandoned
This past year marks a year where the Government of Canada engaged more than ever on the IP front. The Government of Canada’s announcement of a National IP Strategy was welcome news for those interested in leveraging Canada’s intangible capital. As I noted on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, it was a “hallelujah” moment for […]
The Price for Pokemon - How Much Are Childhood Icons Worth Protecting?
The Value of the Pokémon Franchise If you were born in the late 1980s or early 90s or have young children, you have probably encountered a red-cheeked mouse called Pikachu or any of the hundreds of other Pokémon that exist in the Pokémon media franchise. While the premise of catching colourful creatures is rather straightforward, […]
Shifting technological neutrality into reverse: UNPACK SODRAC
Should all copies be treated the same way for the purposes of Copyright? If the CBC’s internal content management system creates incidental copies of audio works during the creation or broadcast of a television program or movie, does it enage the owner's Copyright under s 3(1)(d) of the Copyright Act [the "Act"]? What incentives do Canada’s […]
Republishing Mein Kampf: An Act of Respect to the Public Domain
New Year's Day is synonymous with new beginnings, and 2016 will be no exception. Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), the manifesto in which Adolf Hitler explains his vision for Germany’s future and his political ideologies, will be falling into the public domain on January 1st, 2016. A French publishing house named Fayard, along with a few German editors, have […]
Conference Report: “Internet and Copyright Law in the European Perspective. The Digital Single Market Copyright”
The re-posting of this comment is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective. On November 4th and 5th 2015 the Italian Judge Permanent Training Program for the Court of Milan (Hon. Francesca Fiecconi), with the collaboration of AIPPI Italian Group (Ms Renata Righetti, Avv.ti Giorgio […]
Internet service providers liability and copyright protection in the EU
The re-posting of this analysis is part of a cross-posting collaboration with MediaLaws: Law and Policy of the Media in a Comparative Perspective. Which is the legal framework surrounding Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the EU, when it comes to copyright protection? The following article analyses the importance of ISPs in the enforcement of […]
CBC vs. The World: Let the Broadcasting Games Begin
In the September 2012 battle for broadcast rights to the 2015 Pan American Games, CBC/Radio Canada emerged victorious from what was reportedly described as a "very aggressive bidding process with multiple bidders." In light of the difficult landscape shift CBC has experienced over the past two years, there was serious concern as to how the public broadcaster […]