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Internet Sharing

Adapt or Die, Something Wiki This Way Comes

Adapt or Die, Something Wiki This Way Comes

The academic scientific community conventionally shares research results, ideas and expertise. Not surprisingly, the commoditization of peer reviewed journal articles seems antiquated with cost and accessibility issues when compared with online posting, web-enabled databases, free online journals and guides as knowledge dissemination tools. In the Aug 25, 2008 edition of The Tech, these practices are […]

Who Owns Your Profile?

Who Owns Your Profile?

Recent litigation has shown that misunderstandings relating to the nature of the online public domain are facilitating an increase in online illegal activity.  The root of this problem is the presumption that uploading information to the internet makes it part of the ‘public domain’ where ‘ownership’ automatically ceases to exist.  If this were unequivocally true, […]

Ruling Is a Victory for Supporters of Free Software

Ruling Is a Victory for Supporters of Free Software

A U.S. appellate court recently held in Jacobsen v. Katzer that copyright holders who dedicate their work for free public use are entitled to enforce an open-source copyright license to restrict the work's future distribution and modification. The Court ruled that open-source licenses are enforceable under copyright law, not merely under contract law, thereby providing […]

2 more lost copyright battles to Google’s record

2 more lost copyright battles to Google’s record

German courts recently ruled against Google with regard to two cases involving indexing thumbnails of copyrighted images causing them to display with search results. The infringement cases were brought by a photographer and a comic artist.  The Regional Court of Hamburg said that “By using photos in thumbnails, no new work is created” since the thumbnails […]

New Zealand ISPs to cut off internet access for P2P file-sharing

New Zealand ISPs to cut off internet access for P2P file-sharing

The New Zealand government has taken a novel approach to try to fix what seems to be a nagging problem for governments in today’s connected world: peer-to-peer file-sharing. On Oct. 3, Associate Commerce Minister Judith Tizard announced that recent copyright amendments will come into force, including a provision (92A) that requires internet service providers to […]

Canadian copyright bill to arrive…finally?

Canadian copyright bill to arrive…finally?

There are rumours that a new copyright bill is imminent. Copyright issues are increasingly gaining public prominence and there are views of every stripe. See below for a distinct view by Barry Sookman, copyright expert and co-chair of the Technology Group at McCarthy Tétrault, on the copyright debate as we await the new legislation and continue […]

Is content blocking coming to Canada?

Is content blocking coming to Canada?

According to this story in the Globe and Mail, the music industry is keen on getting Internet service providers (ISPs) to block traffic for users who sharing copyrighted music files. Canadian ISPs like Bell and Rogers already shape traffic to some extent by limiting the amount of bandwidth available to file sharing (and you couldn't […]

Music Publishers Join Case Against Video-Sharing Site YouTube

Music Publishers Join Case Against Video-Sharing Site YouTube

YouTube, an extremely popular video-sharing site that was created in 2005, is rapidly increasing concerns over video-sharing online free of charge. Right-holders of the videos argue that they are being unfairly deprived of the profits that are due to them. These concerns have actualized into legal actions. Recently, music publishers have joined a group of […]

French student arrested for posting non-authorized copies of Harry Potter

French student arrested for posting non-authorized copies of Harry Potter

Being an enthusiastic fan of J.K Rowling’s Potter novels I was infuriated to hear the French student arrested for publishing his own translation of the seventh chapter of the Potter tale would not be prosecuted.  An agreement was made with J.K Rowling not to seek damages from the student for violation of intellectual property rights.  […]