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Examining User Generated Content from an Industry Perspective

Examining User Generated Content from an Industry Perspective

On October 10, 2013, IP Osgoode hosted a full-day symposium on “User Generated Content Under Canadian Copyright Law” discussing the new UGC copyright exception with guest speakers from government, industry, private practice, and academia.  After a morning showcasing examples of user-generated content (“UGC”) – including a DJ Lance Romance track, Psycho slowed down to 24 […]

European Court of Justice Provides Narrow Answer to Question of Jurisdiction for Internet-based Copyright Infringement

European Court of Justice Provides Narrow Answer to Question of Jurisdiction for Internet-based Copyright Infringement

Let’s assume you’re a French musician part of a hip British indie-rock band. 30 years later, you discover that an Austrian company has been making unauthorized CDs and a UK-based outfit has been selling them online.  Can your home court in France hear your action against the Austrian CD manufacturer?  According to a recent preliminary […]

Apple's Appealing Patent Result

Apple's Appealing Patent Result

In the latest episode of the Apple patent saga, the United States Court of Appeals has altered a decision by the International Trade Commission (ITC) discussing two crucial features of the modern smartphone: multi-touch functionality and a method of determining if this touch is a “finger touch.”

Running An Unsecured WiFi Network Is Still Not Negligent

Running An Unsecured WiFi Network Is Still Not Negligent

Bleiberg Entertainment was unsuccessful in its argument that running a WiFi network without password protection is negligent in tort law. Bleiberg was aiming to force disclosure of ISP subscriber information to launch copyright infringement actions against those connected to the disclosed IP addresses. Not knowing if those subscribers were directly connected with the infringement, Bleiberg attempted to argue they were nonetheless […]