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Internet Sharing

The Google Books Ripple Effect

The Google Books Ripple Effect

Michael John Long is an LLM candidate advancing to the PhD at Osgoode Hall Law School The leviathan known as the Google Books project may have far reaching consequences for international copyright law, as well as, the potential violation of antitrust law and the terms of international treaties, as a recent Globe and Mail article […]

Bill C-32: Copyright and Education in the Digital Age

Bill C-32: Copyright and Education in the Digital Age

Robert Dewald is a JD Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School Technology plays an important role in today’s educational institutions by providing easy access to and distribution of music, art, literature and other information that forms the foundation of a person’s education.   Yet the innovation and technological advances that have created powerful teaching tools, such […]

Lenz v. Universal Music: US Federal Court defines narrow recoverable damages for bogus takedown notices

Lenz v. Universal Music: US Federal Court defines narrow recoverable damages for bogus takedown notices

Nathan Fan is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. In yet another Prince related copyright infringement suit, the Ninth Circuit in the U.S. has taken the opportunity to address the scope of the damage recovery provision in the DMCA for bogus takedown notices. In the recently released order granting partial summary judgement, federal […]

IsoHunt found liable for inducing copyright infringement

IsoHunt found liable for inducing copyright infringement

Nathan Fan is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Wilson released a summary judgment on December 21, 2009, finding Gary Fung and his peer-to-peer torrent websites liable for inducing copyright infringement in the U.S. Proceedings against Gary Fung began in 2006, when MPAA members sued Gary Fung and his […]

Mininova bit torrent site shut down

Mininova bit torrent site shut down

Stuart Freen is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. This past week Mininova.org, one of the largest public file-sharing sites out there, finally shut its doors. After a legal fight with BREIN (the Dutch music and film industry's anti-piracy arm) earlier this year, Mininova has now removed all infringing torrent files and is […]

IP Osgoode Speaks: Chris Castle on Voluntary Collective Licensing

IP Osgoode Speaks: Chris Castle on Voluntary Collective Licensing

Brandon Evenson is a 2010 JD Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from Queen’s University. Prior to attending Osgoode, Mr. Evenson consulted for some of the world’s leading technology firms in the area of contract risk and licensing compliance. Last Thursday, IP Osgoode hosted Chris Castle, managing partner […]

The Disappearing Tail: A Clue to the challenges facing Copyright

The Disappearing Tail: A Clue to the challenges facing Copyright

Virgil Cojocaru is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. ‘The Long Tail’, written by Chris Anderson refers to the alleged effect of online stores such as Netflix appealing to smaller niches. Individually these niches do not yield a large profit, but collectively (hence the long part) they can provide a handsome reward. Some […]