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IP Reform

IP Osgoode Speaker Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein – Reflections on the Supreme Court of Canada 2012 Copyright Decisions

IP Osgoode Speaker Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein – Reflections on the Supreme Court of Canada 2012 Copyright Decisions

On November 27th, 2012, IP Osgoode was pleased to welcome The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada to share his thoughts with respect to the 5 important copyright cases (known as the “Copyright Pentalogy”) that he took part in deciding earlier this year.

Avoiding Poison Apples and Tending to Blackberries: Did Canada’s 1989 Shift To First-To-File Nip Small-Time Innovation In the Bud?

Avoiding Poison Apples and Tending to Blackberries: Did Canada’s 1989 Shift To First-To-File Nip Small-Time Innovation In the Bud?

New legal research from the University of Pennsylvania Law School suggests so. The aim of the study, according to Professors David S. Abrams and R. Polk Wagner, is to empirically predict how the recent changes to American patent laws, introduced by section 3 (s3) of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), will affect American innovation after […]

IP Osgoode and Osgoode PD host Joint Teleseminar on Copyright Pentalogy

IP Osgoode and Osgoode PD host Joint Teleseminar on Copyright Pentalogy

On September 13, 2012, IP Osgoode will be hosting a joint teleseminar with Osgoode Professional Development. The topic of the seminar will be the recent developments in copyright law as a result of Supreme Court rulings on 5 major copyright cases (known as the Copyright Pentalogy). For IP Osgoode coverage of the Copyright Pentalogy, see […]

Re-examination vs. Invalidity Proceedings: A Question of Judicial Supremacy

Re-examination vs. Invalidity Proceedings: A Question of Judicial Supremacy

Re-examination and invalidity proceedings each play an important role in the patent system, offering different avenues that narrow or invalidate existing patent claims. However, a lack of clarity on how the two provisions co-exist has led to litigation which this editor believes could be avoided through legislative amendments to the American patent regime. Similar issues […]

Rogers v. SOCAN: The SCC Streamlines its Stance on On-Demand Streaming

Rogers v. SOCAN: The SCC Streamlines its Stance on On-Demand Streaming

The much anticipated Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Rogers Communications Inc v Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, 2012 SCC 35 (Rogers v SOCAN), culminated with a unanimous Court holding that on-demand transmissions of music streams made available by online music services constitute communications “to the public”.  Consequently, the on-demand streaming of […]

ESAC v. SOCAN – Battle Lines Drawn in Copyright Pentalogy

ESAC v. SOCAN – Battle Lines Drawn in Copyright Pentalogy

Entertainment Software Association of Canada v SOCAN was one of two 5-4 split decisions of the copyright pentalogy decisions released on July 12. Online media and software producers and distributors won a major victory. The Supreme Court ruled that the “communication to the public by telecommunication” right does not apply to downloads of a musical […]

The Fivefecta: Canada’s Supreme Court Releases 5 Significant Copyright Decisions

The Fivefecta: Canada’s Supreme Court Releases 5 Significant Copyright Decisions

Without a background in horse racing, I feel comfortable expressing today as a “Fivefecta”. Since Monday’s announcement that the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) would release judgments in five critically important copyright appeals heard on December 6 and 7, 2011, there has been a growing excitement in the Copyright community. The decisions from these appeals, […]

R.I.P. ACTA (For Now)

R.I.P. ACTA (For Now)

While North American IP enthusiasts had likely been pre-occupied with the controversy surrounding the stalled American anti-internet piracy bills known as SOPA and PIPA (covered by IP Osgoode here), Europe has been struggling to deal with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Even though it was designed to be an international framework for improved intellectual property […]

"Copyright, Contracts, Creators – New Media, New Rules" now Available on Paperback

"Copyright, Contracts, Creators – New Media, New Rules" now Available on Paperback

Edward Elgar Publishing has released a paperback edition of the book Copyright, Contracts, Creators - New Media, New Rules by Prof. Giuseppina D'Agostino. Copyright, Contracts, Creators evaluates the efficacy of current copyright law to address the contracting and use of creative works. It looks in particular at freelance works and argues that their copyright treatment […]

Happy(?) Birthday, Bill C-11!

Happy(?) Birthday, Bill C-11!

After years of debate (almost 15, to be precise) and numerous revisions and cancellations (4, to be precise), Bill C-11 or An Act to Amend the Copyright Act, arguably the most controversial set of changes to the Canadian Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42), has just been passed by a vote of 158 to 135. […]