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Cross Border Issues

Impact of TRIPS on Generic Pharmaceuticals in India – A Research Endeavor in Delhi

I am currently working at the Human Rights Law Network, located in Delhi, India. My experience here has been just phenomenal. I am extremely excited to share with all of you what I learn during my tenure at HRLN. Upon arriving, I attended the HIV/AIDS Conference, initiated and organized by HRLN. My involvement in the […]

Can we blame strong IP protection for climate change?

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the increasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions and their detrimental effect on the environment. To respond to this concern, countries have agreed to abide by world-wide abatement targets by reducing CO2 emissions to a certain level.  However, curbing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries has been […]

“Ducking” TRIPS: Novartis and the legality of Section 3(d) of the Indian Patents Act

Professor Shamnad Basheer (National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata) is an IP Osgoode Research Affiliate and is also the founder of SpicyIP, a leading blog dedicated to analyzing IP and innovation policy news and cases from India. Glivec, a path-breaking anticancer drug by Novartis propelled Indian patent law onto the world stage in an interesting […]

European Commission: Ever-Greening Reduces Competition in Pharmaceutical Sector

Criticism leveled at pharmaceutical companies for their competitive practices has taken on a new dimension with the preliminary report from an inquiry of the European Commission (EC).  The report on the Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry, released November 28, confirms the existence of business tactics that are restricting competition in the European pharmaceutical market.   The inquiry […]

Good for PR or just going soft? Making patents public for the greater good

The following is based on the Globe and Mail article “Major companies agree to make anti-pollution patents public,” by Martin Mittelstadedt. Since January 2008 patents developed with the goal of fighting pollution have been put into the public domain by a growing number of large companies, such as DuPont and Xerox. Dubbed the “eco-patent commons,” […]

Canada’s Pledge to Africa: Effective at Last or Least Effective?

After years of waiting, Canadian legislation designed to encourage shipments of low-cost HIV/AIDS drugs to developing countries has finally been put to use.  Unfortunately, the delay has only served to highlight some of the problems with the initiative. The shipment of 7 million tablets was sent to Rwanda on September 24 using Canada’s Access to […]

Is Canada Delivering on its Pledge to Aid Africa?

In 1999, between 1.3 and 2.1 billion people did not have access to essential medicines (around 30% of the world’s population), with most of these people being concentrated in Africa and India.[1] In May 2004, after pressure from Canadian civil society groups and Stephen Lewis (the UN Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Africa), and in […]

GIs: New World Countries Must Bargain

Geographical Indicators are terms used to define names that are affixed to predominantly agricultural products (although GIs are also used for other products such as crafts and jewellery, this kind of use is less common) originating from specific geographical regions where these products are grown and manufactured and from which they derive their quality and […]

The Problems Associated with the Expanding Reach of US Patents

Over the years, judicial and legislative efforts have dramatically changed the face of US patent law. Traditionally, the United States prescribed to a patent law regime which was territorial in nature, meaning that in order for a finding of infringement to be made, the infraction had to occur wholly within the United States. The recent […]