Home » Category: 'Patents' (Page 18)


US Decision Baaa-d for Inventions Replicating Nature

In Re Roslin Institute, the U.S. Court of Appeals delivered a potential setback to the biotechnology industry when it confirmed that inventions which are identical to those found in nature cannot be patented. Specifically, it denied patent protection to products of the somatic cloning process invented by Campbell and Wilmut, which included Dolly the Sheep. Since Dolly possesses identical […]

Apotex Successfully Invalidates Patent on Nexium

AstraZeneca has been selling Nexium in Canada for 13 years.  It is prescribed to treat ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and related diseases. The active ingredient in Nexium is esomeprazole, one of the enantiomers of omeprazole.  Omeprazole is also prescribed to treat these same diseases. Canadian patent no. 2,139,653 (the 653 patent) claims esomeprazole with […]

Alice Corp., Software Patents, and Lighting the Rabbit Hole of Abstract Ideas

It’s often hard to recognize the evolving nature of legal regimes amidst the fast-paced and so-called revolutionary social and technological changes facilitated by digital and networked technologies. Laws, norms, and conventions developed over centuries are being problematized and rethought as new social, technological, and economic realities emerge. Computer software, a technology that’s mainstream adoption is […]

No Autocorrect for Apple and Samsung in their Patent Wars

The seemingly never ending saga between Apple and Samsung that began in 2011 has seen another day (month) in court. On the surface this may seem like another sweeping victory for Apple, but the war isn’t over and that might be what really matters.

Reminder: Canada’s IP Writing Challenge 2014

There are just under two months left to submit your entry to our 6th annual Canada’s IP Writing Challenge. The winner from each category will receive a prize of $1000 (CAD), publication on the IP Osgoode website, and consideration for publication in the Canadian Intellectual Property Review and/or the Intellectual Property Journal.  The deadline to […]

The Hard Decision about Software Patents

On Monday, March 31st, the United States Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in the case of Alice Corporation Pty Ltd v CLS Bank International. Many hope that this ruling will help bring clarity to the patentability of software and business processes under US patent law.

Getting Profits From Patents: An Interview with Ed Fan and Loreto Grimaldi

The course Legal Values: Commercializing Intellectual Property is being offered for the first time at Osgoode Hall Law School this winter term.  The IPilogue sat down with Adjunct Professors, Ed Fan (Torys LLP, Partner) and Loreto Grimaldi (MedAvail Technologies Inc., COO & General Counsel) to talk about this unique course. As the business world increasingly relies on an […]

Intellectual Property Rights in Non-Genetically Engineered Plant Species

In the past, Monsanto has been successful in defending the company’s patents concerning the genes and modified cells present in genetically modified (GM) plants in both the United States and in Canada. Are Monsanto’s new products going to be a hot topic of debate? Likely yes, but maybe not for the reasons you would expect.