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Quebec Has Some Branding Issues

The commitment to culture by our Francophone neighbours in Quebec has put their provincial government in the center of a legal battle with 6 major retailers.

Patenting Food – A Healthy Way Forward?

Obesity and chronic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, are on the rise.  To solve this crisis, we seem to be searching for the next super food, known as functional food, which will lower our blood sugar, reduce hypertension, and make us lose five pounds.

Bullying and Balancing Rights in AB v Bragg Communications

Recently Canada is engaged in national dialogue about online bullying in the wake of Amanda Todd’s suicide. One aspect being discussed is what role the law should play in protecting victims of bullying.  Should new legislation be enacted, like the NDP’s proposal for a national anti-bullying strategy or should changes to the law be left […]

UK Collecting Societies To Adopt Minimum Standards

The UK government has released a minimum standards document detailing codes of conduct to be implemented by all UK collecting societies. The document details collecting societies’ obligations to rights holders and licensees, and follows recommendations made in an independent report commissioned by Prime Minister David Cameron in 2010.

Webcasting IV? Update on Copyright Board of Canada Proceedings on Highly-Anticipated Webcaster Royalty Rates

On September 24, 2012, the Copyright Board of Canada (the “Board”) began a two week public hearing for two proposed Re:Sound tariffs: Tariff 8.A (Simulcasting and Webcasting) and Tariff 8.B (Semi-Interactive Webcasting). This hearing has been highly anticipated since Pandora, a popular American webcaster and an objector participating in the hearing, exited the Canadian market […]

IP Osgoode Speaker Series: Justice Marshall Rothstein & Justice Roger T. Hughes

IP Osgoode Speaker Series: “Reflections on the Supreme Court of Canada 2012 Copyright Decisions” Featuring Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada “Advocacy Skills and IP: Observations from the Bench” Featuring Justice Roger T. Hughes of the Federal Court of Canada November 27 & 29 Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Canada’s Top Court Gives Canadians Something to Get Excited About, Generic Viagra!

On November 8, 2012 the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) released its eagerly anticipated decision in the “Viagra Appeal”. In a unanimous decision written by Justice LeBel, the SCC found the patent at issue invalid for insufficient disclosure. This decision marks the end of a lengthy legal battle between Teva and Pfizer over the validity […]