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Music Industry

Digital downloads widen Warner’s loss

Warner Music Group’s (WMG) third-quarter loss widened this year, to US$17 million. Warner is one of several major players in the global music industry being hit hard by the seismic repercussions the internet has held for the music business. Indeed, virtually every industry that distributes their product through traditional media has seen market changes like […]

When the Solution Turns into the Problem

In an unexpected move, the Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) filed documents in the Federal Court of Appeal recently in a fight to eliminate the application of the private copying levy to MP3 players. The irony of this is apparent as the CRIA has advocated for the private copying levy for many years and makes […]

Prince Fights for his Right to Distribute

According to several media sources recording artist Prince (a.k.a., formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known As Prince) is prepared to sue YouTube (as well as eBay and Pirate Bay) for copyright infringement of his works. Prince is not alleging that Youtube is itself infringing on his copyright. Youtube only provides a forum for people […]

Innovation or Bust: Legal Avenues not enough to save Record Labels

Warner Music Group’s recent announcement about wider losses in the third quarter, due to an increasing trend of consumers switching to digital downloads, highlights the changing nature of the music industry.   Even as Warner posted higher overall losses due largely to the decline in CD sales, its digital revenues were up 29% from the […]

Music Publishers Join Case Against Video Sharing Site YouTube

It is virtually impossible to prohibit users from uploading any type of video on YouTube, including uploading parts or all of a musicians’ music video. Even when artists request YouTube take down their videos because of copyright issues, new videos are uploaded the following day. Sharing amateur and professional videos on YouTube has been phenomenally […]

Tax On MP3 Players May Return

Admittedly, I cannot recall the last time I purchased a music CD but I do have a half empty box of blank CDs on my bookcase. I also have an iPod that I use regularly to stave off the monotony of my commute. The current Private Copying Levy allows people like me to actively download […]

Canada’s vacillation over private copying levy

The private copying levy is enforced by the Copyright Board of Canada where a levy is imposed on purchases of audio recording medium within the meaning of Section 79 of the Copyright Act. The Canadian recording industry strongly pushed for this levy to be extended to the MP3 player devices and in 2004 legislation was […]

Warner’s Business Model Creates Losses, Digital Downloads Widen Them

Warner Music Group Corp. announced a larger than expected third-quarter loss and attributed the larger loss to more consumers purchasing digital music instead of CDs. While digital revenue increased seven percent from the previous quarter, revenue from recorded music fell four percent. This example provides an opportunity to examine the current business model employed by […]

Russian Music site says it will reopen

AllofMP3, a music-download site, announced that it will reopen after a Russian court acquitted the site’s former owner of violating IP law. The site was originally forced to close following pressure from the US administration over Russia’s poor protection of IP rights. This case immediately reminds me of the controversial Napster site which was forced […]

Yes, we do need higher taxes

Unfortunately, as is often the case, new technological developments frequently breed new controversies. The invention of the iPod, despite all its widespread popularity and success, is no exception. Currently at issue is the decision of The Copyright Board of Canada to allow an additional ‘tax’ to be placed on the sale of MP3 and iPod […]