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SickKids in Court – Are Public-Private Research Collaborations a Hindrance or a Driver of the Innovative Process?

A recent lawsuit filed by Myriad Genetics involving the alleged infringement of their controversial breast cancer screening tool has included the prestigious Toronto SickKids hospital as a co-plaintiff. This lawsuit has been a source of criticism for the hospital and has reinvigorated the debate on the merits of public-private research collaborations in health care innovation.

Time for a Change? Fraser Institute Urges Canada to Strengthen its Pharmaceutical IP Laws

A little over a week ago, the Fraser Institute, a prominent and independent Canadian public policy think tank, released a report calling for a strengthening of intellectual property protection for pharmaceuticals in Canada. The report claims that the changes would produce an increase in trade opportunities and access to foreign markets that would generate an […]

Court Grants Largest Patent Infringement Damages Award in Canadian History

On July 16, 2013, the Federal Court released its decision granting the largest award of damages for patent infringement in Canadian history.  In Merck & Co., Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (2013 FC 751) (“Merck”), Justice Snider found that Merck is entitled to over $119 million in damages, plus interest, for Apotex’s infringement of Merck’s patent […]

Will Ultramercial Patent Set Up an Ultra Supreme Court Appeal?

In late June, the Federal Circuit again decided Ultramercial v Hulu – a case brought by Ultramercial claiming infringement of their patent for serving online media preceded by advertising. Ultramercial’s patent has been widely criticized by many commentators who view the patent as one describing an abstract concept, and believe the decision is destined for a Supreme Court appeal.

CIPO Examination Practice Respecting Purposive Construction: A Marked Deviation From Whirlpool and Free World Trust

On November 24, 2011, the Federal Court of Appeal released its decision for Amazon.com, Inc. v. The Commissioner of Patents, 2011 FCA 328.  This case related to patent application 2,246,933 filed by Amazon.com, Inc. entitled “Method and System For Placing A Purchase Order Via A Communications Network”. Popularly known as the “one-click shopping cart” case, […]

Splitting the Difference Between Antitrust and Intellectual Property: FTC v Actavis

The dividing line between intellectual property and antitrust laws was further clarified last week when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) settled a debate on the illegality of Reverse Payment Agreements (RPAs) in Federal Trade Commission (FTC) v Actavis. In so doing, the Court split the difference between the FTC’s assertion that RPAs […]

REMINDER: Canada Day Is The Submission Deadline for Canada’s IP Writing Challenge!

Canada Day is fast-approaching.  This means it’s also time to prepare your submissions to Canada’s IP Writing Challenge!  The submission deadline is Monday July 1, at 5pm. The winner from each category will receive a prize of $1000 (CAD), publication on the IP Osgoode website, and consideration for publication in the Canadian Intellectual Property Review […]