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Patent Cures, Not Genes, Cancer Patients Argue: Easier Said Than Done

Australia is now at the centre of the global gene patent debate with a Senate inquiry that began last week in Melbourne. Senators in Australia began hearing public submissions on August 4th about the topic of gene patents in relation to the impact they have on health care costs. The inquiry centres around a bid […]

The Principle of Net Neutrality: Arguments and Recent Developments

The principle of Net neutrality refers to the idea that data packets on the Internet should be moved impartially, without regard to content, destination or source.  In essence, it means that all Internet traffic should be treated equally and implies that an information network such as the Internet is most efficient and useful to the public when […]

Analyzing Net Monitoring/Filtering: Canada, Iran, China

In this post I will focus on the ongoing debates regarding Deep Packet Inspections in Canada. I will also point out its extreme use in countries such as Iran and China. Canada A recent debate in Canada revolves around Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use of Deep Packet Inspections (DPI) technology. DPI provides a mechanism for […]

Canada’s New Commitment to Boost the High-Tech Sector through Copyright Reform

Late last month, Industry Minister Tony Clement hosted a conference entitled “Canada’s Digital Economy: Moving Forward.” He invited 150 leading technology industry experts to offer feedback to the government with respect to strategy and the type of action that should be taken to further Canada’s pursuit to place a more aggressive emphasis on the prioritization […]

Joining the Fight Against Intellectual Property Theft

The Alliance Against Intellectual Property Theft (AAIPT) is a unique coalition of trade and enforcement organizations, providing a single voice for those who share an interest in preventing counterfeiting and piracy in the UK. Recently, the AAIPT has campaigned for a national crackdown on the sale of counterfeit goods at street markets and boot fairs. […]

Google AdWords: Facilitating advertising, or trademark infringement?

Google AdWords is Google’s advertising product which offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, as well as placement targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. AdWords was Google’s main source of revenue in 2008, bringing in approximately $21 billion dollars. With PPC advertisements, advertisers can purchase a specific word or term that will trigger their ad so […]

Creative Commons Licensing: Types, Enforceability and Potential Problems

Creative Commons (“CC”) is a non-profit corporation “dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright.”  CC provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, […]

Tories Introduce New Lawful Access Legislation

Lawful access legislation has once again popped up in Canada. On June 18 Parliament introduced two new bills: the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act (Bill C-46) and the Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century Act (Bill C-47). According to the government press release, the main goal of the new Acts […]

Is There a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy on Work Computers?

A recent Ontario Superior Court ruling may impact how employees use computers at work. In R. v. Cole, 2009 CanLII 20699 (ON S.C.) Justice Paul Kane overturned a trial level decision and found that Cole did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when using a computer provided by his employer. Mr. Cole was a […]

In memoriam: Alison J. Youngman, 1948 – 2009

On March 8, 2009 – International Women’s Day – the legal profession lost one of its trailblazing women in the field of corporate and technology law, and for me also a friend and mentor. Alison was a devout champion of women, volunteering her precious time to limitless causes from her role as a senior partner […]