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Apotex Successfully Invalidates Patent on Nexium

AstraZeneca has been selling Nexium in Canada for 13 years.  It is prescribed to treat ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and related diseases. The active ingredient in Nexium is esomeprazole, one of the enantiomers of omeprazole.  Omeprazole is also prescribed to treat these same diseases. Canadian patent no. 2,139,653 (the 653 patent) claims esomeprazole with […]

The Washington Wrong-Skins: A Moral Victory over Tasteless Trademarks

The football field is for helmets not headdresses. In the much talked about June 18, 2014 decision in Blackhorse v Pro Football, Inc. the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) made a clear statement that culturally-insensitive trademarks would not be tolerated. The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) decided to cancel six federal trademark […]

Has the Supreme Court Delivered a Knock-Out Blow to the Entertainment Industry?

And so the sparring will go another round. On May 19th the United States Supreme Court delivered its decision on Patrella v Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, allowing Paula Petrella to pursue her copyright infringement claim against MGM Studios despite her decision to wait 18 years to file suit. As a result, the Supreme Court has essentially informed the […]

Will Amazon Get Burned for Playing with Fyre?

Has Amazon, the hero of online shopping and home of the Kindle, become the newest provider of pay-per-view porn? According to WREAL, the company behind the adult entertainment streaming device and website FyreTV®, this is just a taste of the confusion apparently created by the launch of Amazon’s similarly named Fire TV. Consequently, attorneys on […]

No Beer and No TV Makes Judge Levy $10M fine for Simpsons, Family Guy Streaming

Who controls the British Crown? Who keeps illegal streaming down? The Federal Court of Canada does! (May the pop-culture references commence.) The Federal Court of Canada made international news by handing down one of the harshest copyright sentences in its history, a fine of over $10M. The defendant is only 23 years old.

Happy Holidays from IP Osgoode!

Giuseppina D’Agostino is the Founder and Director of IP Osgoode, the Founder and Director of the new IP Intensive Program, and an Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School. IP Osgoode wishes everyone a very Happy Holiday and a Stellar New Year! We appreciate your interest and support over the past year and look forward to […]

Introducing Osgoode Hall’s 2013-2014 Fox Moot Team

IP Osgoode is pleased to introduce the 2013-2014 Harold G. Fox Moot Team for Osgoode Hall Law School. Representing Osgoode are Benjamin Farrow and Isabella Ssozi in the role of the Respondent, Faye Alipour and Jason Hayward in the role of the Appellant, and Jeremy Fisher to round out the team as researcher.