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Supreme Court set to revisit technological neutrality in CBC v SODRAC

On September 4, the Supreme Court of Canada granted leave to appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal in CBC v SODRAC 2003 Inc which considered the issue of whether broadcasters must pay royalties on ephemeral or incidental copies of an audiovisual work created during the preparation of that work for broadcast. The case arose out […]

Making the CBC/Radio-Canada’s Giant Castle More User-Friendly

The culture industries appear to be at a crossroads. Shifting advertising practices as well as audience viewing and consumption habits continue to contribute to new challenges and opportunities for media and entertainment providers throughout the world. With its new “A Space for All of Us” strategy, Canada’s national public broadcaster – the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Radio-Canada […]

IP Intensive Progam: The Canadian Broadcasting Experience - Ten Weeks at the CBC

When I applied to participate in the Osgoode Intellectual Property and Technology Intensive Program, I was looking for a practical learning experience that would combine my legal interests with my background in the arts. Not surprisingly, I was thrilled when I heard that I had been placed at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The opportunity to […]

Announcing the 2013 IP Intensive Program

We are pleased to announce details of the 2013 Intellectual Property Law and Technology Intensive Program.  The tremendously successful program is currently in its third year, but it is continuing to grow. We are excited to announce the offering of three brand new placements for 2013, and the return of an excellent placement from the […]