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Vandals, Remixed: The Copyrightability of “Defaced” Works

Adam Del Gobbo’s recent post addressed some pertinent issues surrounding remix culture, which is outlined in Professor Lawrence Lessig’s 2008 book, Remix:  Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy.

Whose Copyright Reigns Supreme? Copyright and Reality Television Shows

The battle’s heating up, but this time it’s not in kitchen stadium – it’s in the courthouse. Today’s secret ingredient - copyright which protects reality TV shows such as Iron Chef, American Idol, Real World, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC) and Big Brother.

It’s Official: Functionality is Uncopyrightable, Says the European Court of Justice

In November 2011, the Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Yves Bot, issued an influential but non-binding legal opinion, positing that the functional aspects of computer programs should not be protected under copyright law. To do so would be against the interests of fair dealing, by preventing decompilation and reverse engineering, among other […]