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WHO Resolution Intended to Address Global Counterfeit Drug Market

On January 21, the WHO 130th WHO Executive Board (EB) adopted a resolution for agenda item 6.13 "substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products” [SFFC]. The resolution is intended to address the growing prevalence of and the health risks associated with “deliberately and fraudulently mislabelled” pharmaceuticals.

Trade Secrets, Transparency, and Temporality

Access to information is generally important in a free and democratic society. It’s particularly important in the context of regulating drugs, medical devices, and other products. In Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. v. Canada (Health), the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed Health Canada’s decision to disclose certain information about Merck’s asthma medication Singulair®. The Court rejected […]