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new book

A Celebratory Book Launch for Professor Pascale Chapdelaine

On January 19, 2018, IP Osgoode and the Windsor Law's LTec LAB co-hosted a book launch for Prof. Pascale Chapdelaine’s new book, Copyright User Rights, Contracts, and the Erosion of Property. The event featured a talk by the author on her influences and the book’s key themes and takeaways, as well an introduction by Bob Tarantino, which […]

Announcing New Book: What's Wrong with Copying?

IP Osgoode is pleased to announce the release of a new book entitled “What’s Wrong with Copying?” by Prof. Abraham Drassinower. Reprinted below is the Harvard University Press book flier. Copyright law, as conventionally understood, serves the public interest by regulating the production and dissemination of works of authorship, though it recognizes that the requirements […]