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US Supreme Court Dials up Privacy Rights of Cell Phones During Arrest

Courts and privacy advocates across North America have long faced challenges in resolving the questions of whether police officers should be given the right to search the contents of cellphones of an arrestee and if yes, when and under what circumstances this should be permitted. The Supreme Court of the United States has taken the […]

No Autocorrect for Apple and Samsung in their Patent Wars

The seemingly never ending saga between Apple and Samsung that began in 2011 has seen another day (month) in court. On the surface this may seem like another sweeping victory for Apple, but the war isn't over and that might be what really matters.

The Silent Race For Smartphone Data...including Location and Time Stamp Data

 Taylor Vanderhelm is a JD candidate at the University of Alberta. Recently, Apple garnered unwanted attention when it was discovered by security researchers Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden that the iPhone was recording location and time stamp data through its GPS and wireless internet capabilities and then backing up the information, unencrypted, whenever users synced […]