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Stephen Cooley

IP Intensive: It Only Gets Interesting from Here - A Semester at The Globe and Mail

Do you know when the first court case involving The Globe and Mail was? It’s okay… I didn’t know either, until a few weeks ago. Here’s a hint: it was before the two separate newspapers of The Globe and The Mail became one in 1936. Here’s another hint: it was before The Mail even existed, […]

A Celebratory Book Launch for Professor Pascale Chapdelaine

On January 19, 2018, IP Osgoode and the Windsor Law's LTec LAB co-hosted a book launch for Prof. Pascale Chapdelaine’s new book, Copyright User Rights, Contracts, and the Erosion of Property. The event featured a talk by the author on her influences and the book’s key themes and takeaways, as well an introduction by Bob Tarantino, which […]

Can a Laser end the Art Market Clone Wars?

Like it or not, some people spend a lot of money on art. When they do, art buyers are likely unhappy when they get something other than they bargained for. Modern forgeries are a thorn in the side of fine art buyers, sellers, and scholars.

Not-So-Compulsory Licence: a Proposed (and Rejected) Solution to Copyright Infringement in Derivative Musical Works

In a recent MTV news article, author Miles Raymer opined over the “hopelessly broken” state of the US copyright system. While such a sweeping statement clearly oversimplifies the state of copyright law in the digital era, there may be some truth to it. Raymer focuses particularly on the tension between an ever-increasing market for derivative works […]