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trade secrets

Is Google “Feeling Lucky” at the Supreme Court?

  At the Supreme Court of Canada, Google Inc. will be searching for a more favourable ruling than it got at the Court of Appeal for British Columbia in Equustek Solutions Inc. v. Google Inc. The appeal stems from the BC Supreme Court’s granting of an injunction requiring Google to de-index certain websites from its […]

Live and Let Die: Gene Patenting Plot Thickens as the Patent/Trade Secret Line is Blurred

The long battle in the American courts over Myriad Genetics’ patents of BRCA1 and BRCA2, the primary diagnostic genes for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer has been well-documented in the IPilogue (see coverage by Beatrice yesterday as well as previous posts here, here, and here). Now, Myriad is poised to defend their patents at the Supreme Court for a second time, with […]

Trade Secrets, Transparency, and Temporality

Access to information is generally important in a free and democratic society. It’s particularly important in the context of regulating drugs, medical devices, and other products. In Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. v. Canada (Health), the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed Health Canada’s decision to disclose certain information about Merck’s asthma medication Singulair®. The Court rejected […]

Colours to dye for are worth $6.4M

How much does it cost to dye your hair? A home kit usually costs between $20 and $40. Some salons charge up to $200. In the heart of Yorkville, however, dye-jobs are big business. Salon trade-secrets consisting of client lists and client colour cards (a formula describing a customer's dye colour preference)  are apparently worth […]